Peak Performance Seminars

Workshops & Seminars

The Center for Peak Performance provides seminars and workshops to enhance your organization’s performance. We provide captivating and inspirational formats for all group sizes. We tap into and enhance your audiences’ inner strengths while unlocking true potential. The Center for Peak Performance will provide customized solutions, so call us today.

The Neuroscience of Leadership: How to Train Your Brain to Create Sustainable Success

With advances in applied neuroscience, you can now tap into the extraordinary power of your brain and create the right decisions, habits and actions to achieve accelerated, optimal performance. We understand, direct and empower your brain to deal with growth change and achieve optimal performance. We also:

Behavioral Finance: Learn How and Why Clients Make Buying or Investment Decisions

We teach you how to connect to your top target clients and create long-term relationships:

The Four Steps to Achieving your Desired Outcomes

Organizations and people who are consistently successful are not using magic. There is a science to success. We teach you how to be successful, methodically and on purpose. We provide a step-by-step proven blueprint for creating and achieving successful results in four phases.
Phase 1 Concept: The foundation
Phase 2 Connectivity: Empowering your success
Phase 3 Transmutation and Achievement of your goal
Phase 4 Interactive Participation

How to Reinvent Yourself or Your Business and Win!

The reality is that people and business constantly reinventing themselves whether or not they are aware of it. We teach you to be aware of it and benefit from it. In today’s world, reinvention is needed to stay competitive.
1. Change happens – three steps to making change work for you
2. Design change on purpose.
3. Interactive participation

Train Your Brain for Success

Your brain works exactly like a computer, so you need to know how to format your inner software and hard drive so you can consistently download success. By attending our workshops and classes you will learn:

How to Create Loyal Customers for Life

Whether they know it or not, there are specific reasons why people make certain buying decisions. When you know how to connect to your customers with a mind and heart of service, you can create some great relationships… and it’s all about relationships! You will learn:

How to Surf the Waves of Change and Enjoy the Ride to Success

Change can either block or create successful momentum, so learn how to make change work for you! Then it will be surfs up all the way to the bank! You will learn:

Young Executives and Behavioral Finance: How to Manage Your Relationship to Money and Make it Flow to You

The fact is, what you think about money and how you perceive it will affect how financially successful you or your company will be. Learn how to make money work for you:

What the Hell Are You Waiting For? 21 Days to Wealth, Health and Abundance

Learn how success is achieved and start living the life you desire now! You will learn:

The Art of Listening

If you learn to listen your clients and colleagues, they will tell you everything you need to know to be successful. You will learn:

The Art of Achievement

The reasons why people achieve things and how they do it are many. Learn the secret to unlocking your achievement and the door to success will open for you. This session includes:

The Art of Abundance

The old “Midas touch” is not magic. There is an art and science to creating abundance. When you understand that art and science, your life will thrive! You will learn:

Request an Appointment here. For more information, contact the Center for Peak Performance at 949-588-7254 or email: [email protected]


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